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  Everything you need to know about the house key - how to find it? And where do I leave it on departure?
  Since each holiday house and each apartment belongs to a different owner, we do not have a uniform regulation. Which of the following is true, is explicitly mentioned in the rental agreement at the top second line:
  • The property caretaker or owner sends the door key to the tenant by normal postal mail. This rule is very rarely. If this rule applies, it is also explicitly mentioned in the contract or cover letter of the contract. The shipment takes place 4 to 6 weeks before arrival.
    On departure: Lock the door by key and return the key by postal mail.

  • The tenant receives from us a combination of numbers (code) which is suitable for opening a KEY BOX (or LOCK-BOX). The LOCK-BOX is located outside the entrance door. In this container is the door key. If this rule applies, it is explicitly mentioned in the lease agreement (at the top second line). Please read HERE everything worth knowing about the LOCK-BOX.
    On departure: Lock the door by key, put the key in the KEY-BOX and enter any code on the keyboard.

  • On the morning of the day of arrival the caretaker of the property or owner places the door key under the door mat of the entrance door. This process is very safe in Naples - there has been no theft in Naples. This rule applies in 95% of all cases. It shall apply automatically if one of the aforementioned arrangements has not been expressly agreed. This is the rule, especially in the residential facilities of FALLING WATERS and WINTERPARK.
    On departure: Lock the door by key, put the key under the door mat.

  • If there are any problems, call the caretaker or owner.

In the rental unit you will definitely find a second front door key. If you lose a key, you can duplicate the key for less than 2 dollars at HOMEDEPOT. Please leave ALL keys in Naples and don't take them home.

Status: APR 2017